New Home for The Blog

Went to thre coffee shop for my usual bout of Sunday afternoon caffeine and coding, and needed to run on a dev kit, that is not currently with me, within a record time of 10 minutes. At least I found my bug quickly.

Anyways, I've decided to instead take the opportunity to finally pull the trigger on abandoning ship from blogger and launch "Jon Moore Blogs about things 2.0." All the old posts will stay posted there, but I finally got squarespace's blog import features playing nice with google. My current plan is to do all future posts here, and you know, to actually blog semi-regularly again. If I can figure out how to make them easily double post to both here and the old blogger I will, but my reason for jumping is that I can't handle how stuck in the past blogger feels these days, I'd rather have it rolled directly into my personal site and use squarespace's blogging tools for better or worse.

For better or worse, in the year or so since I've posted anything I think I've finally chilled out substantially about video game development being what I spent all my time on, and am thinking I'll be posting about music/comics/guitars/art as well for some extent. So for anyone that actually cared to pay attention to my posts, expect a dip in the signal to noise ratio compared to when I was posting regularly on AltDevBlogADay. That being said, I've had some interesting ideas and side projects in the year or so of absence from longer form internet activity, hopefully some of that will make for something goof. I've been thinking I've missed writing regularly for a little while now, so we'll see how this goes. I'm going to start my first real post shortly :)

Plus, there's no better way to upset someone's RSS feed than to just randomly change sites.